Session Description
Seventy-five percent of everything we buy is based on how we “feel” about the product or service, and not on the content. This is true of everyone, regardless of nationality or origin. Yet as financial professionals, the “success” focal point is often on the substantive product or service and less on the emotional value you bring to your practice and clients. Join Goshtasbi to learn how to design, “own” and implement your personalized Emotional Resonance Factor ™ in order to naturally attract your best prospects and enhance the entire client experience.
Katy Goshtasbi, JD, is the founder and president of Puris Personal Brand Solutions. In her previous career, for over 14 years she served as a regulatory attorney for the investment advisory/brokerage industry in addition to working at the Securities and Exchange Commission. Through a great deal of soul-searching, she found that her greatest talents are in recognizing and magnifying the underutilized and unknown abilities and talents in others so they can best present themselves. Thus, her second career was founded. Goshtasbi travels internationally, as a professional public speaker and working with clients. She has authored two books on the subject, one a best-seller for the American Bar Association.
Puris Personal Brand Solutions
10085 Carroll Canyon Road, Ste. 200
San Diego, CA 92131 USA
Phone: 949-274-6423
Twitter: @purisbranding
Date and Time
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Audience appeal
Business Best Practices