Kamal Sarma
Author, CEO of Rezilium

Kamal Sarma is the founder and director of Rezilium, a strategic leadership firm which delivers customized strategies for a range of industries. An experienced speaker, Sarma helps teams solve challenges and improve performance. He has held executive roles in organizations such as McKinsey & Company, Eli Lilly and AMP Capital Investors and has cofounded two venture capital businesses in the IT and biotech sectors. He is also cofounder of the Institute for Mental Resilience.

The Connection Advantage

We are never truly taught the skills that enable us to connect deeply with one another, our clients or our purpose. Organizations that truly can connect at these three levels are able to flourish and deal with change, complexity and uncertainty. In this presentation, Sarma explores how to create deep connections at the personal, team and purpose levels, and how to use the connection advantage to create a shortcut to change. He will explain how to build an appreciation and feedback culture and how to use human connection to build a sustainable competitive advantage.