It's a Small World After All - Understanding, Appreciating and Engaging Across Country Borders
Top of the Table member Stephen Kagawa is president and chief executive officer of The Pacific Bridge Companies and is passionately focused on helping first-generation Americans migrating from Asia acclimate financially in their newfound American homes. In this presentation, he will discuss his experiences working with foreign nationals and teach attendees how to connect and collaborate with multinational individuals, families and companies. Kagawa will also share some of the do’s, don’ts and “aha!” moments he has experienced throughout his career — which should help attendees better understand and appreciate cultural differences.
Stephen Kagawa, FSS, LUTCF, is a 22-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table and 14 Top of the Table qualifications. He is president and CEO of The Pacific Bridge Companies and is passionately focused on helping first-generation Americans migrating from Asia acclimate financially in their new American homes. Consumed with his vision to engage financial advisors from the differing disciplines of insurance, investment banking, tax and law, Kagawa is connecting this collective expertise to better guide multinational individuals, families and companies through their cross-border realities.
The Pacific Bridge Companies
825 S Primrose, Suite E
Monrovia, California, USA 91016
Phone: 626-303-5890
Date, Location and Time
1:15 - 2:15 P.M.
Plaza II