Barjes R. Angulo, LUTCF, RICP
Transition To Fees
Barjes R. Angulo, LUTCF, RICP, is a 10-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table honor and 20 years in the financial services industry. He is the owner of Angulo Strategies, a council agent with New York Life, an Agents Advisory council executive committee member and a member of NAIFA and the Society of Financial Service Professionals. He graduated from Pace University with a bachelor’s in finance, and has since committed himself to expanding his education, building client relationships, and focusing on the importance of family and professional development.
New York Life
420 Lexington Ave 15f, New York, NY 10170 USA
EMAIL: brangulo@ft.newyorklife.com
PHONE:(646) 227-8729