Robert L. Avery, CLU, ChFC
Simplifying The Complex
Robert L. Avery, CLU, ChFC, is a 33-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table honors. With more than 39 years in the financial services industry, he has worked with clients to secure their financial and retirement goals. He has served as president of both NAIFA–Denver and NAIFA–Colorado. He has served MDRT in various leadership roles, including the Divisional Vice President for PGA in 2011, and as Trustee of the MDRT Foundation. He currently serves on the producer advisory council for the Society of Financial Service Professionals at the Department of Insurance.
Robert Avery & Associates Inc
950 S Cherry St Ste 720, Denver, CO 80246-2665 USA
EMAIL: ravery@signatorfn.com
PHONE:(303) 757-5854