D. Scott Brennan
The Best Always Make It Look Simple
D. Scott Brennan is a 35-year MDRT member with 14 Court of the Table qualifications and one Top of the Table honor, as well as a Past President of MDRT and the Forum 400. He is the 75th recipient of the John Newton Russell Memorial Award. A dedicated MDRT leader, Brennan served as Divisional Vice President and has also chaired five MDRT committees and task forces and is a highly regarded industry speaker. An Excalibur Knight of the MDRT Foundation, Brennan served on its board from 2004 to 2006. He is also an active community volunteer, serving as president of several organizations.
The Brennan Group LLC
Po Box 6305, South Bend, IN 46660-6305 USA
EMAIL: scbrennan@financialguide.com
PHONE:(574) 232-7981