Randy L. Scritchfield, CFP, LUTCF
Relevant, Essential, Meaningful
Randy L. Scritchfield, CFP, LUTCF, of Damascus, Maryland, is the 2018 Nominee to the MDRT Executive Committee. He is a 34-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table and 17 Top of the Table qualifications. Scritchfield is also an MDRT Foundation Excalibur Knight and a member of its Board of Trustees and Inner Circle Society. He is founder and president of Montgomery Financial Group, a retirement planning firm in Damascus. Scritchfield currently serves as Divisional Vice President of Guided Development. His extensive MDRT volunteer history includes service on MDRT’s Management Council six times and nine times as a Committee Chair. Among his leadership roles, Scritchfield has served as Chair of the Top of the Table Advisory Board and as Divisional Vice President of Annual Meeting Program Development. Scritchfield has also spoken at numerous MDRT Annual Meetings and Top of the Table Annual Meetings, as well as internationally on behalf of MDRT. He balances industry leadership with community involvement, having served as chair of the BlackRock Center for the Arts, chair of his local chamber of commerce and as founding president of the Damascus Heritage Society.