Jennifer A. Borislow

Jennifer A. Borislow, CLU

Focus Sessions

Jennifer A. Borislow, CLU, of Methuen, Massachusetts, is a Past President of MDRT and the founding principal of Borislow Insurance (BI). A 32-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table and 22 Top of the Table honors, she is a nationally recognized expert, author, speaker and thought leader on employee benefits, insurance and related business strategies.

啟迪靈感的智慧——問問 Tony Gordon

Language: English

Tony Gordon 是百萬圓桌最喜歡的演講者之一。 他是前會長兼 43 年會齡會員,並曾 42 次獲得頂尖會員資格。這場互動會議將給您機會向 Tony 發問。無論是設立目標、打電話、回應客戶回絕、取得轉介紹、工作與生活平衡、如何從普通百萬圓桌會員攀升至內閣會員以至頂尖會員等,您想問甚麼都可以。Tony 會分享他幾十年來的成功經驗,助您發展出最優秀的事業。