Hermán Colín

Hermán Colín, LUTCF, CLI

Connexion Zone

Hermán Colín is a 13-year MDRT member with six Court of the Table and two Top of the Table qualifications. He began his career as an insurance agent in 1996, and he specializes in personal insurance. In 2010, Colín won the International Productivity Award from the Life Insurance and Market Research Association (LIMRA). Colín has been an active MDRT member volunteer on several committees, has contributed to the Round the Table magazine and has given several presentations at various MDRT events.

How to Make the Most of Attending the MDRT Annual Meeting

Language: Spanish

In this session, Hermán Colín shares how to make the most of your Annual Meeting experience as well as other tips that he has picked up in more than 10 years attending the Annual Meetings.