Leroy Anthony Dallas

Leroy Anthony Dallas, LUTCF, EMBA

Focus Sessions

Leroy Anthony Dallas, LUTCF, EMBA, is an 18-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table qualifications and one Top of the Table honor. He has represented Jamaica and the Caribbean as a Chair for MCC from 2006 to 2009 and has spoken throughout the Caribbean on behalf of MDRT. He has twice spoken in the ConneXion Zone at the Annual Meeting and has also spoken several times on the main platform for the Caribbean Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (CARIFA).

EQ: The Secret to Winning Your Sales Calls

Language: English

We live in an age where AI is enabling automation, self-driving cars, robotics and more, but we make decisions today the very same way we did thousands of years ago. Dallas examines how you can tap into that knowledge to create a stronger bond with your clients. The field of neuromarketing is the key to unlocking your client's brain. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to intuitively grasp what others want and need, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and then be engaging. You will learn that improving your EQ is the fastest and surest way to connect with your clients and to build your relationships.