Brandon Heckert

Brandon Heckert, AAMS

Focus Sessions

Brandon Heckert, AAMS, is a three-year MDRT member from Nashville, Illinois, who started his career in finance at the age of 18. After graduating college, he began working full time at the Country Financial headquarters as a financial advice specialist, advising representatives on advanced financial planning strategies in areas of investing, retirement planning, education funding and insurance planning. A few years later, he became an advisor with FSM Wealth. He is currently pursuing his CFP designation.


Language: English

无论您在职业生涯中处于低谷,还是上升期,Hicks 都曾经历过。如果您曾经感到气馁或想要放弃,Hicks 分享了 50 年行业经验教会他关于在困难时期求生存的法则。他辨析了永远不会改变的事情和必须改变的事情,并破除任何限制您发展潜力的误区。您将了解哪些因素使成功的顾问脱颖而出。