Sol Hicks

Sol Hicks

Focus Sessions

Sol Hicks is a 33-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table and 21 Top of the Table honors. He is the founder and CEO of Hicks Global Enterprises Inc., a career coach and consultant, and the author of three books. He has been named GAMA International’s Agent of the Year four times.


Language: English

无论您在职业生涯中处于低谷,还是上升期,Hicks 都曾经历过。如果您曾经感到气馁或想要放弃,Hicks 分享了 50 年行业经验教会他关于在困难时期求生存的法则。他辨析了永远不会改变的事情和必须改变的事情,并破除任何限制您发展潜力的误区。您将了解哪些因素使成功的顾问脱颖而出。