Miguel Trevino Gonzalez

Miguel Trevino Gonzalez, LUTCF, FSS

Connexion Zone

Miguel Angel Trevino Gonzalez is a four-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table qualification. Trevino Gonzalez has been an agent in the life and medical expenses branch for 10 years. In the last four years, he has ranked in the top three of national sales at Prudential Seguros Mexico S.A. He was a national sales champion in 2017 and has been a member of the National Agents Council for four years. In addition, he has participated in the MDRT Mentoring Program for the last two years and is currently a member of the MCC of MDRT Mexico.

Connect With Your Community

Language: Spanish

In this session, Miguel Angel Trevino Gonzalez will show you how to identify qualified profiles for the type of communities in which you are most effective, segment all the communities to which you already belong, become an active leader within these communities and approach the qualified candidates.