Yee Von Lim

Lim Yee Von

Connexion Zone

Lim Yee Von is a five-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table qualification. A Gen Y university graduate who joined the insurance profession in 2012, she has protected more than 100 new lives every year until today, maintaining a persistency of 95% and above in each year. She has been invited to share her strategy at numerous events, namely 2019 MDRT Day in Malaysia and IDA in Bangkok.

Getting Referrals Through Virtual Prospecting

Language: English

Prospecting in traditional ways has been widely used by financial planners around the world. Prospects are getting resistant to these similar approaches, to the point where it is difficult to even get a prospect in for an appointment, especially high-net-worth prospects. Lim Yee Von illustrates a new way of prospecting that will not only get you appointments from your prospect easily, but also attract prospects to open up to your financial advice.