Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic

Main Platform

Nick Vujicic is a bestselling author, motivational speaker and evangelist. Born without limbs, he shares with the world his inspirational story of faith, hope and triumph in the midst of adversity. Through his incredible story, ability to connect with people from all walks of life and sense of humor that captivates people of all ages, he empowers millions of people worldwide.


Language: English

Vujicicはある時人生の目的がわからなくなりました。そもそも目的があるのかと。このセッションで彼はno limbs四肢欠損からno limits無限に切り替える心の旅に皆さんをお招きし、彼自身がどのように逆境を乗り越えたかを紹介します。