PCMA is the world’s largest, most respected and most recognized network of business events strategists. Our members are industry leaders.

Our vision

The business events industry is about more than business events.

Because of our professional experiences and our personal connections, we are in a unique position to transform the world economically and socially.

PCMA is leading social and economic progress


Social and economic progress
Professional and personal development
Business growth and organizational success

We were

PCMA was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the Professional Convention Management Association and previously operated from Birmingham, Alabama. Our annual signature event, CONVENING LEADERS, was first held in 1956, and PCMA formally incorporated as a non-profit in 1958. We moved our headquarters to Chicago in 2000.

Today, PCMA occupies the fifth floor of the famed Jewelers Building at 35 E. Wacker Drive.

We are

PCMA has 7,000 members and an audience of 50,000 across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. With 17 chapters and activities in 30 countries, we are the global leader in business events.



have at least a decade of industry experience.


identify as key decision-makers in their roles.


The PCMA Foundation supports the industry through education, research and charitable giving. The Foundation funds scholarships for students, faculty and other professionals and recognizes industry accomplishments at the annual Visionary Awards.

Convene, a multi-award-winning print magazine started in 1986, is the leading publication in the business events industry with an audited circulation of 36,000 qualified meeting organizer subscribers. The print and digital magazine is part of PCMA’s Media Group, which also produces daily and weekly newsletters. The Ascent initiative to promote inclusion in business events is part of Convene and the Media Group.

The Digital Experience Institute is the authority on livestreaming, digital events and hybrid meeting strategy and production. It supports the Digital Event Strategist certification.

We will be

PCMA will continue to teach the world about business events

PCMA will continue to teach the world about business events. We’ll lead the design, knowledge and information universe. We will be the platform where knowledge is shared with members through extraordinary experiences and multi-channel engagement.

We will put our members’ needs first by listening and responding, and showcasing their journeys as business events professionals. We will keep fostering conversations via events and social media to promote collaboration and innovation. We will demonstrate that membership matters by providing access to unique, specialized opportunities targeting professional growth.

We will continually underscore our commitment to positive change by taking a stand on social issues such as human trafficking. We’ll promote inclusion and diversity through our Ascent platform and encourage other industry leaders to join us with our Ascent CEO Promise.

Our value

PCMA can lead economic and social transformation with our knowledge and power

ROOTS AND WINGS: When you join PCMA’s community, you’re connected to a well-known, established organization in addition to new ideas and people who can help you become the best business events strategist — and global citizen — you can be.

We can lead economic and social transformation with our knowledge and power. Our content influences how the industry views itself, and we inspire members and attendees to take ideas back to their own communities to make a difference.

PCMA is governed by an elected board of directors, and our Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization.