The leadership lesson I'm want to speak to is something that, hopefully, has been a part of your role as a leader in any group you've been part of, whether MDRT, or community group, or in your business. And that is to be responsible for context and perspective. Sometimes the conversation can ramble at times, and as chair, or a DVP you serve an important role in not only bringing the conversation back on track, which I think all of us are good at, and that's relatively easy, but to keep the why in front of the group. Often the healthy perspective and the context is the why. And, also, the bigger picture of what you're working on because sometimes our committee work can get down into very specific things, and widen it for the group, and put in context, the bigger picture.
I've tried to practice context and perspective when working with groups for a long time. But after seeing one of our presenters at the virtual meeting, I've added another word to that. And that is clarity. David Horsager, I believe I'm pronouncing his name correctly, he was one of our presenters last week. And he followed Regina's presidential address. I highly recommend looking at that talk, if you did not see it during the virtual meeting. He spoke of eight pillars that is a great lesson for and a guide stone for many things, both personally and in business. The eight pillars all started with the letter C, but one of them was clarity.
And I would suggest that each of our role as leaders would be within any group to provide clarity to the mission. And using the strategic plan as a source for that clarity. So, I'd suggest you keep in mind when you're in your groups to be a thought and discussion leader on context, perspective, and clarity.