Brian Joseph Haney, CFS, CLTC

TOTS Deeper Dive

Mastering Your Digital Brand and Navigating the Digital Frontier

In this era of technological disruption, the need to stand out from the crowd has never been greater. In this session, you’ll learn how to build your brand, carry that brand across all mediums, and adopt technology to give your brand the necessary edge for success in today's digital marketplace.

Brian Joseph Haney, CFS, CLTC, is an 11-year MDRT member with two Court of the Table and four Top of the Table qualifications. He is a 16-year industry veteran, operating an independent family-owned practice with his father and brother in the Washington D.C. area. Haney has been recognized in Washington Business Journal’s 40 Under 40, NAIFA’s 4 Under 40 and NAILBA’s Independent Distribution ID20 winners. A self-avowed “tech junky” and brand enthusiast, Haney launched his podcast in 2019.