India and Robson Ehioba
Buddy dressed for Christmas
With girlfriends in Turkey
Me with big hair at 17
My role model for aging — Tina at 72
With Barb Pietrangelo and Jerry Semler
MDRT Foundation Build — Equestrian fence for therapeutic horseback riding
ASAE with Eryn Carter
Chase Corporate Challenge with Laura McGrady
With Preciosa and Shawn
Full Name:
India Alexis Ehioba, CFRE,CAE
Years at MDRT:
Two years, five months
Currently live:
White Eagle Golf Course in Naperville
Grew up:
Grove City, Ohio (near Columbus)
Fifth out of six
My dog, Buddy, is a Wheaton Terrier (AKC).
B.A. in Communications from Ohio State University; MNA Masters of Nonprofit Administration at North Park University; and currently working on my MBA with an international focus from North Park University
Favorite color
Pink (even before it was popular)
Favorite meal:
Anything that used to have a shell on it (shrimp, lobster, crab, scallops), spinach (no kidding) and topped off by anything dark chocolate with a side of berries.
Job duties:
Executive Director of the MDRT Foundation; oversee the fundraising and grantmaking process of the Foundation, work with member leaders to make sure that the Foundation continues to meet its mission to engage members and to give funds to worthwhile charitable organizations.
Current Projects:
Working with Laura McGrady to develop ways for donors to give to the MDRT Foundation and get the tax credit in their home country. Working with member leaders to expand the reach of the Foundation for easier access and engagement for all members both within and outside of the U.S. Also, working closely with Global Markets and Strategic Relations to present the member value and benefit of the MDRT Foundation to individual global members, as well as corporations around the globe.
Favorite job responsibility:
There are so many, and it is hard to choose just one, but it would be working with such dedicated and talented people on both the staff side as well as the member side. I like being a part of the leadership-building process for members as well as tending to my first love, which is philanthropy and charitable giving.
Like best about working at MDRT:
Not to sound like a broken record (do people still play records?), but it is the people. This is hands-down the best group of people I have ever worked with in my nearly 40 years in the workforce. I still sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. Really. No, really!
Funny/memorable moment at MDRT: I would say the time I sat down and completely split my dress out, but that would be too embarrassing. I have very few JP stories, but it would be when I first started and John said he would like to take me to lunch at Hooligans, and I googled the restaurant and couldn’t figure out where or what kind of place he was taking me. Jackie translated and told me he probably meant Houlihan’s, so I didn’t need to worry.
Any previous jobs you've had that staff might find interesting:
The most interesting job I had was when I was a senior in high school — I used to be a live mannequin in a department store window (it was a very big thing in the 70s). People would stare at us to see if they could make us move or laugh. I was pretty good until a little kid came up eating an ice cream cone, which distracted me under the hot lights and modeling fall/winter clothes at the end of summer. We all ended up with a case of the giggles and, well, they didn’t ask me back any more after that, since I ended up making the whole window full of models giggle.
Hobbies or things you like to do after work:
I’m in graduate school now, but I do enjoy walking, working in my flowers, wine tasting (at different wineries), entertaining friends and hanging out with my husband and our five children.
Some things your fellow MDRT staffers don't know about you:
I used to play violin and actually started college with a music scholarship.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?:
I wanted to be Diana Ross, but I then realized that I could not sing. Not a single note. But I was a good talker and actually liked speaking in front of a group, so I majored in communications.
What is your favorite core value and why?:
My favorite core value is respect. I just think it is the basis for every interaction with our coworkers, our members, our families, our friends, our neighbors, and I like the way Aretha says it all: R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Why you decided to go into your chosen profession or why you decided to work at MDRT:
I like the way our MDRT speaker Max Moyo says it: “When you are doing what you are born to do, you are a genius. The Eighth Wonder of the World.” Working in nonprofit is my third career. I worked in corporate communications for about 10 years, I owned my own PR/communications firm for about 10 years, and I’ve spent the latest and best years working in nonprofit, and it is what I was born to do. I love fundraising and mostly love helping people do what they want to do (give money or make an impact). It’s the best feeling in the world. I’m having the time of my life.
Favorite quotes:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”
- E. B. White
“Today, I will live in the moment, unless it is unpleasant. In which case, I will eat a cookie.”
- Cookie Monster
“There is no right way to do the wrong thing.”
- My mom