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Ty Bennett
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Ty Bennett 是演讲培训公司 Leadership Inc. 的创始人,其使命在于让个人和组织能够勇于挑战现状,培养卓越关系和以非凡方式相互竞争。他在不断改变他人的人生,每次都能为一名领导者带来翻天覆地的变化。
Dr. Nick Bontis
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在智慧资本及其对企业的绩效影响方面,Nick Bontis 博士是世界一流的专家。他是 McMaster University 备受赞誉的战略管理学教授,被评为全球 30 大管理大师之一。他的演讲生动有趣,激情四射,能针对提高个人和组织效率以及加快绩效管理提供建议。Bontis 是畅销书《信息轰炸:超越数字冲击》(Information Bombardment: Rising Above the Digital Onslaught) 的作者。其演讲服务备受 RBC Insurance、Manulife、London Life、Great West Life、Hartford Insurance 和 Citibank 等领先金融机构的青睐。
Kevin Brown
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Kevin Brown 的非传统商业和个人成功之路教会了他,商业和人生的成功需要打破惯性思维。凭借超高的适应性和坚持不懈的态度,他从一线业务人员一步步走进了执行董事会。历经 30 年的特许经营之后,Brown 决定追求个人激情,将 The Hero Effect 信息尽可能传达给更多的人和组织。帮助个人和组织接受这种能够让一流的组织和出色的人才从人群中脱颖而出的简单哲学,这是他的使命。
Dustin Garis
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Dustin Garis 是世界知名的品牌创新者和活动发言人。他曾在多家世界知名公司工作,贯穿其整个颠覆性的职业生涯,他因在品牌建设、客户体验和改变领导方面的创新方式而被称为“首席麻烦制造者”。Garis 是创新中心 P&G FutureWorks 全球创新和市场营销的领导者,负责孵化、推出和扩张全球数十亿美元的突破性投资组合。他还非常重视品牌能如何丰富生活,并举例说明部分品牌通过“打破常规”,创造令人难忘的体验,使千禧一代积极参与其中。
Chris Helder
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Chris Helder 是商务沟通天才,也是非常会讲故事的大师,他的演讲彻底改变了全球无数人与客户、同事和员工的交流方式。他成为专业演讲者业已 18 年之久,在世界各地发表了 2,450 场以上的演讲。他还是三本畅销书的作者,其中《有助力的信念》(Useful Belief) 一直是澳大利亚最畅销的商业书籍之一。Citibank、Merrill Lynch、Glaxo Smith Kline、Toyota 和 Mercedes Benz 都名列他的国际客户名单。Helder 曾多次在沟通、影响力、人的潜力、领导力和掌握面对面客户体验等领域的会议上发言。
Nataly Kogan
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Nataly Kogan is the founder of Happier, a global technology and learning platform that helps individuals and organizations adopt scientifically-proven practices that improve their well-being. A leading venture capitalist while still in her 20s, Kogan has continually achieved at the highest of levels. She has held top positions at Manhattan-based firms McKinsey and Co. and Hudson Ventures, served as the only female board member at Constant Contact and worked at Microsoft's state-of-the-art Future of Social Experiences Lab (FUSE). She launched Happier to an overwhelming global response and has since built a community that has shared more than 6 million happy moments on the Happier mobile app and website. Kogan has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, New York Magazine and Time magazine, and has appeared as an expert on Dr. Oz and Bloomberg TV.
Jim Kwik
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Jim Kwik is founder of Kwik Learning and a widely recognized world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance and accelerated learning. His online courses are used by students in more than 100 countries. After a childhood brain injury left him learning challenged, Kwik created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity and purpose. He is a highly sought-out trainer for top organizations, with clients that include Virgin, Nike, Zappos, SpaceX, NYU and Harvard. His work is featured in worldwide media, including the recent New York Times bestselling book, “Use Your Brain to Change Your Age.” He is the founder and curator of SuperheroYou, an annual learning conference.
Ben Nemtin
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Ben Nemtin 是《纽约时报》(New York Times)畅销书《您临终前想要做些什么?》(What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?) 的作者和音乐电视节目《埋葬的生活》(The Buried Life) 主角,同时也是国际知名的主题演讲者。作为埋葬的生活运动的创始人之一,Nemtin 关于激进派的无限可能的广告词已在《今日秀》(The Today Show)、《奥普拉脱口秀》(The Oprah Winfrey Show)、美国有线电视新闻网、美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司等主要媒体上播出。他的观念掷地有声,那就是激励人们摆脱平庸,成就更大的梦想,活出人生的伟大意义,并无私回馈他人。/p>
Chris Riddell
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Chris Riddell 是一位备受赞誉的全球未来学家和业界公认的励志主题演讲者,其演讲主要以高度互联世界的新兴趋势为主题。他致力于摸索全球模式,探索和识别人类如何适应当今世界的高速变化,为当今高度混乱的数字世界中的企业和领导者提供深刻见解。作为一名全球开拓者,Riddell 曾为现代世界最大、最典型的部分企业和品牌效力,并曾在七个以上的国家/地区生活和工作。Riddell 是 Mars Incorporated 有史以来第一位首席数字官,一手打造了 Whiskas、Pedigree、Wrigley、Starburst 和 Snickers 等品牌的企业数字战略。
Tim Urban
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Tim Urban 自其从 2013 年开始更新长篇火柴人插图博客 Wait But Why 起,就成为了互联网上最受欢迎的作家之一,其有关“Y 一代”的文章是当月 Facebook 上分享最多、评论最多的文章。此后,Urban 发布了数十篇主题不一的爆款文章,从拖延症到人工智能,再到外星人,各色内容不一而足。他的文章也会定期在 The Atlantic、Time、Business Insider 和 Gizmodo 等网站上转载。今天,Wait But Why 平均每月的独立访问人次达 150 多万,通过电子邮件订阅的读者超过 380,000 人。与文章一样,Urban 的演讲也涉及诸多主题,包括火柴人在内,并将深度和影响力与幽默和娱乐相结合,致力于取悦和激励观众。