Hello, I'm Randy Scritchfield. MDRT is fortunate to have a deep talented pool of volunteers. In fact, sometimes they're more volunteers than there are positions to fill. On behalf of MDRT, I thank you for your service to our organization. You all have busy jobs and lives, but you still choose to commit considerable time and effort to MDRT and ultimately, your work and how you work together delivers great value to MDRT and its members. MDRT's organizational structure is designed to maximize the impact of your efforts, and it provides the framework for accomplishing the goals and objectives in MDRT's Strategic Plan. MRDT undertook this strategic planning process to provide clear direction and focus for enhancing value to our global membership. So be sure to review MDRT's organizational chart and the strategic plan to see how you fit in, and think about how your volunteer leadership supports the plan and MDRT's goals.
Ask yourself, how am I helping MDRT increase member engagement and make their experiences meaningful by providing relevant customized resources? Let your answer inform and frame your work for MDRT. We are grateful for all of our volunteer leaders. Thank you for all that you do, and all that you will continue to do for your fellow MDRT members.