2020 Annual Meeting and Global Conference Virtual Event

Hello everyone. By now you have seen the announcement that the Executive Committee recently made the decision to combine the Annual Meeting and the Global Conference into one joint virtual event that will take place August 3rd to the 7th.

This decision was made only after much consideration – especially knowing how much our members value being together in person. But we also know that it is the right thing to do. As an MDRT volunteer leader, I also wanted to give you some additional information as to why we made this decision.

Our host city, Dubai, had already proposed that a very large, global event that was planned for the Fall of 2020 be postponed until 2021. As the Executive Committee considered this - and the situation our members are facing all around the world – we realized that the best decision for MDRT and our members is to make this change NOW and shift our attention to delivering ONE exceptional virtual event.

We changed the date from June to early August so that we had sufficient time to make sure the technology will be up to the standard of excellence expected of an MDRT event.

We had originally created the Global Conference in response to capacity limitations at the Annual Meeting and to give our members in the Asia-Pacific region easier access to an MDRT meeting. Without capacity constraints or travel restrictions, we have an opportunity to bring the MDRT global community together for one exceptional virtual event.

The PGA and PDC teams for both meetings will now join efforts and shift their focus to delivering an MDRT-caliber virtual experience. I am excited to see what they deliver.

I want to thank you for your invaluable contributions over the years and for your unwavering support of the MDRT leadership. We are committed to making decisions that are thoughtful and prudent without comprising on our commitment to add value to our members’ lives. This virtual Annual Meeting and Global Conference will allow us to do just that! See you next time!

Regina Bedoya, CLU, ChFC
2020 MDRT President