Zach Mory
Zach Mory
Beginning with simple marks made with graphite or ink, I explore different systems that those marks can function within. One mark leads to the next and so on until what is left is an accumulated residue of the time spent within each particular modality. Slowly each system exhausts itself or reaches it’s inherent structural conclusion. Sometimes this way of working manifests itself in pure non-objective process-oriented drawings, while other times it becomes more illustrative and psychedelic. Regardless of approach, my work is always is rooted in an exploration of minutia, mark making and a deep yearning for the sublime, oblivion, and escapism.
Even though my drawings function within a set of strict guidelines, each piece is its own entity and has its own unique outcome. There is a dichotomy between macro and micro. This tension between macro and micro and past and present creates the overall presence upon which the work is rooted. You are given the end result and get to reflect on the moments that led to it.