Zach Mory
24 Circles and Diamonds
Wall Drawing
The Inbetween
Scratch Drawings
Ink Monsters
Graphite Monsters
The Oldies
Digital Orphans
Zach on Behance
24 Circles and Diamonds installed at Cathedral Square for Artprize 2014
24 Circles and Diamonds installed at Cathedral Square for Artprize 2014
24 Circles and Diamonds installed at Cathedral Square for Artprize 2014
Diamond #1, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2012
Circle #7, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Diamond #3, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Diamond #2, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Circle #1, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2012
Circle #5, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Circle #3, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Circle #4, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Circle #6, graphite pn paper, 21" x 21", 2013
Circle #2, graphite on paper, 2013
Diamond #4, graphite on paper, 2013
Diamond #5, graphite on paper, 2014
Circle #12, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #6, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #7, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #8, graphite on paper, 2014
Circle #11, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #10, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #12, graphite on paper, 2014
Circle #10, graphite on paper, 2014
Circle #9, graphite on paper, 2014
Circle #8, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #9, graphite on paper, 2014
Diamond #11, graphite on paper, 2014