As MDRT's President, I am personally committed to keeping our organization essential, meaningful, and relevant, and for working to achieve our goals in alignment with MDRT's strategic plan. Effective communication is essential to make this happen. Overall, but especially in leadership meetings. Communication while leading others should create an environment in which everyone contributes and knows that their input matters. This motivates people and moves important work forward. What does this look like in practice? Effective leaders typically listen more and speak less. Try to solicit contributions from everyone. Include not only the dominant voices, but also the often quieter ones. Avoid sharing your opinion until summarizing what you have heard. Also, please, be mindful of cross-cultural communications and its challenges. Avoid using slang and local expressions, as well as telling jokes that others may not understand. Many cultures approach meetings differently, so make appropriate adjustments based on your assessment of that among your committee members.
Creating a collaborative environment requires a framework for effective communication. So be sure to read and follow Robert's Rules of Order for meetings which have stood the test of time. Also review the Zoom meeting and cross-cultural meeting guidance that MDRT has provided you. Employing effective communication skills will help you and your peers become better leaders. We are grateful for all of our volunteer leaders. Thank you for all that you do and all that you will continue to do for your fellow MDRT members.