2020 Leadership Touch Point

Whenever and wherever we volunteer with MDRT, the passion that keeps us all engaged and committed is evident. Each year, member leaders report on volunteer activities by way of committee reports, one report in October and one in March. This is your opportunity to inform the Executive Committee and Global Council of the accomplishments of your team towards their charges. Report templates are distributed by your staff liaisons. If you have not yet met with your committee or task force, in the report discuss your goals and objectives. If you have met, share the important outcomes of your discussions and decisions of which MDRT should be aware.

Here are a few tips and guidelines for report completion. First, consider your overall message, what you want to say, and create an outline. Share the key points first, along with facts or actions that support them. Don't overcommunicate with too many details, only state opinions or feelings with respectful and well thought-out alternatives. If there's poor performance, it shouldn't be outlined in the report. Instead, use coaching to improve the volunteer's experience and future performance. And finally, do share praise of higher performing volunteers.

Recommendations are used when the committee wants to recommend something outside of the scope of the committee's objective. Recommendations should not be included in a report. You may refer to a recommendation in the report, but the actual recommendation itself is submitted on a separate document available from MDRT staff. If a recommendation requires funding that has not been budgeted, the recommendation will first be submitted to the finance committee prior to review by the Executive Committee. If you have any questions about reports or recommendations, please contact leadership@mdrt.org and an MDRT staff person will support you.